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Declarations of Recognition - Individuals

"Our fellow countrymen committed unheard of crimes, resorted to all conceivable methods of despotism, organized deprtations massacres, poured gas over babies and burned them, raped women and girls in front of their parents who were bound hand and foot, took girls in front of their parents and fathers, appropriated personal property and real estate, drove people to Mesopotamia and treated them inhumanly on the way . . . they put thousands of innocent people into boats that were sunk at sea . . . they put Armenians in the most unbearable conditaons any other nation had ever known in its history."

(Quoted by Paul deVeou, "La Chute d'Alexandrette", Paris, 1938)

"The Turkish Government began and ruthlessly carried out the infamous massacre and deportation of Armenians in Asia Minor. The clearance of the race froom Asia Minor was about as complete as such an act, on a scale so great, could well be."

British statesman and historian.

"From May until October the Ottoman Government pursued methodically a plan of extermination far more hellish than the worst possible massacre. Orders for deportation of the entire Armenian population to Mesopotamia were despatched to every province of Asia Minor. These orders were explicit and detailed. No hamlet was too insignificant to be mmsed. The news was given by town criers that every Armenian was to be ready to leave at a certaa.n hour for an unknown destination. There were no exceptions for the aged, the ill, the women in pregnancy."

"The Blackest Page of Modern-History" Putnam, New York 1916

"The whole plan of extermination was not:hing less than a cold- blooded, calculated political measure, having for its object the annih- lation of a superior element in the population, which might prove 'troublesome, and to this must be added the motive of greed."

FRATJOF NANSEN (1861-1930)
Norwegian statesman and humanitarian. Winner of the 1922 Nobel Peace Prize.
High Commissioner for Refugees under the League of Nations

". . . It would s!eem that three-fourths or four-fifths of t.he whole nation has been wiped out, and there is no case in history, certainly not since the time of Tameriane, in which any crime so hideous and upon so large a scale has been recorded."

". . . Wherever the Armenians, almost wholly unarmed as they were, have fought, they have fought in self-defence to defend their families and themselves from the cruelty of the ruffians who constitute what is called the Government of the country. There is no excuse whatever, upon any such ground as some German authorities and newspapers allege, for the conduct of the Turkish Government. Their policy of slaughter and deportation has been wanton and unprovoked. It appears to be simply an applicatzon of the maxim once enunciated by Sultan Abdul Hamid: "The way to get rid of the Armenian Question is to get rid of the Armenians"; and the policy of extermination has been carried out with far more thoroughness and with far more blood-th.irsty completeness by the present heads of the Turkish Administration - they describe themselves as the Committee of Union and progress- than it was in the time of Abdul Hamid."

British Statesman and scholar, Regina Professor of Civil Law at Qxford, Undersecretary of stats for foreign affairs.
Author of many historical works among which The Armenians Under The Ottoman Empire.
(Extracts from a speech delivered in the House of Lords of Great Britain, on October 6, 1915.)

"I would to see Europe, that wept over Uncle Tom's Cabin, think over the outrages perpetrated by the Turks in Armenia. Eight centuries ago a lesser injustice than these crimes would have caused an avenging Crusade. It is the duty of the Allied Powers, fighting now against the Central Empires, to grant freedom to Armenia. Otherwise the remnant of this unfortunate nation will become anarchists, and if they were to destroy Constantinople by dynamite, I a bishop, standing before the altar of Christ, would without any compunetion pronounce their action not only justified, but even sanctified."

Bishop of Orleans, France.

"The great massacres and persecutions of the past seem almost  insignificant when compared with the sufferings of the Armenian race in  1915." 

United States Ambassador at  Constantinople during the First World War. From "Ambassador Morgenthau's Story"

"Let us not forget that the Armenian nation has a long and glorious history; that it was one of the earliest to create a civilizatzon and cultured society; that is was the first as a nation to adopt Chri.stianity for all these centuries, through every horror. But even this is not enough to say of the essential greatness of Armenian history and the Armenian character. It is necessary to remember that it was at one period of its history, t,he greatest power among the natzons of Asia, that it governed itself with success and Christianity between Asia and Europe and finally that these traditions of faith and of patriotism have been carned on through m.any centuries and numberless generations while religion and national spirit have not suffered the slightest dimi.nution in either valor or tenacity."

THOMAS POWER O'CONOR (Tay Pay) (1848-1929)
Irish journalist and nationalist leader.

"The Armenians constitute the sole civilizing, the sole humanizing element in Anatolia; peaceful to the degree of self sacrifice; law-abiding to their own undoing and industrious and hopeful under conditions which would appall the majority of mankind. At their best they are the stuff of which heroes and martyrs and moulded."

DR. EMILE DILLON (1854-1933)
British journalist "Armenia, an Appeal"

"The scheme was nothing less than the extermination,of the whole Christian population within the Ottoman frontiers. . . Nothing remained but to use the opportunity and strike a stroke that would never need repetition. "After this", said Talaat Bey, when he gave the final signal, "there will be no Armenian Question for fifty years","

("The Murder of a Nation")
ARNOLD J. TOYNBEE British historiana

"Then, coming to the broad question of Armenia we remember those terrible massacres in 1895 and 1896, but they pale into insignificance before what has been done during this War. The Germans have been guilty of the most gh,astly and unspeakable crimes, but there is no crime so ghastly and able as the wholesale massacre, under circumstances of the greatest possible barbarity and atrocity, of the Armenians themselves."

Sir George Greenwood

"If there is a race which has been closely connected with the Turks by its fidelity, by its services to the country, by the statesmen and functionaries of talent it has furnished, by the intelligence which it has manifested in all domains - commerce, industry, science, and the
arts - it is certainly the Armeman."

Turkish exile in Paris.

"Of the 2,000,000 Armenians in Turkey in 1914, one million have been slaughtered and the survivors only 130,000 remain in Turkey and the rest are refugees and exiles. Armenian property losses are valued at over 5,000,000,000 dollars are more than three fourths of the estimated wealth of the Armenian race." 

"Armenia in the World War I"

"Affter the victory of our armies, which are fighting for justice and liberty, the Allies will have great duties to fulfill; and the most sacred of them will be to bestow life again on the martyred nations - on Belgium, on Serbia. They will also insure the safety and the independence of Armenia. Turning to her, they will say, Sister, arise! Suffer no longer! Thou art henceforth free to live in accordance with thy genius and thy faith!"

French poet, critic, novelist and playwright

"Mr. President, April 24, 1965 was the fiftieth anniversary of the commencement of the atrocities against the Armenian people, resultang in the massacre of 1.5 million of this courageous race. Armeians throughout Massachusetts and the Nation have reaffirmed their commitment to the cause of justice and human rights.

"Indeed, the Armenian question is very much alive today. In America, where both the concept and practise ofjustice demand that the slightest trespass of the rights of a single individual receide meticulous attention, certainly the oppression and destruction of a race or nation calls forth our expressed horror and opposition. It becomes a people such as ourselves - dedicated to freedom and individual liberty - not only to remember and reflect upon the past suffering of the Armenians during this prescribed month of mourning, but also to dedicate our efforts and redections to the best manner by which to avoid and eliminate any future repetition of such ignoble action."

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